My Father The Magician Role Model

Like father, like son.
"Most magicians love to collect magic stuff. In fact, we are known for accumulating props and effects but never using them! Over the years we buy duplicates, either on purpose or by accident. When we have three of one thing, it’s a collection, even if we don’t know it! Some people collect magic books and magazines, videos, posters, or something more specific like Cups and Balls, handcuffs, or magicians’ autographs. Others save name badges and programs from conventions they have attended. And then there is Dr. Mark Horowitz – a magic collector in spades!" - C. Dennis Schick
The Start
As you may or may not already know, my father is a magician and collector.
Trying to adequately reflect on his significance in a mere five hundred words is impossible. Nonetheless, I'd like to share several interesting facts with you about my dad, Mark Horowitz.
Let's back up to the mid-1950s when my father was a mere child. New York City was a hotbed for magic in the United States, only rivaled by Chicago and Los Angeles. Fortuitously, Dad spent time learning from a handful of New York's finest magicians. Mega legends like Al Flosso and Lou Tannen nurtured his love for the art of magic. These men taught my father the foundations of magic. You can say these formative experiences helped mold him into the magician that Dad is today.
On occasion, you'll hear him reminisce fondly about spending time in those famous NYC magic shops.
Semi Professional
Dad never became a full-time pro. He managed to support himself with magic gigs throughout university and optometry school. After graduating, he became a licensed optometrist with his own practice.
He also became the resident trade show magician for Swan Optical and HydroCurve, a major contact lens company owned by Revlon.
On top of his day job, Dad flew around the nation entertaining high-ranking executives and high-profile clients of the optical industry. Without a shred of doubt, my father paved the way for me to be a professional magician.
If you’ve met him before, then you’ll know that Dad indulges by collecting artifacts from his youth. If it triggers fond memories of his illustrious past, he collects it.
Of course, it’s impossible to own everything. So like any seasoned collector, he’s refined his tastes over the years. Currently, he prefers acquiring magic-themed comics, autographed magic books, and unique magic ephemera.
His lifelong passion for collecting led him to amass the world’s most extensive magic comic book collection. This impressive feat landed him on the cover of MAGIC Magazine in April 2007.

My father's magic room.

I grew up learning magic in this private library.

First-day covers, magic sets, and a magic-themed Pinball machine. Why not?
Magic Club
During an early point in his life, my father immersed himself in the political side of magic. Year after year, he's generously helped organize IBM magic meetings, lectures, and conventions on local, state, and national levels. To this day, he's involved with his local IBM magic club's affairs.
There's no question that his lifetime of remarkable dedication and outstanding service to the organization exemplifies his genuine reverence for the art of magic.
My Father The Magician Role Model
While the word count on my heartfelt tribute will run out, the love I have for my father will not. Thanks for taking the time to let me brag about Dad for a little bit. :)
Lee Asher